Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 9 Nordstan

After an extremely late night on Friday, Saturday was a very slow morning. Somehow I managed to wake up at 8:00 A.M.! Tyler, Joe and I walked over to breakfast around 9 and got a good meal in before we went to the largest mall in scandinavia called Nordstan.

It was very interesting to see all the difference in clothing compared to that in the United States. The clothing in many of these stores was very expensive but it was great quality. Everyone in Sweden dresses extremely well, there is not one person here who doesn't wear a nice sweater or button up shirt out. You also notice how much better shape everyone is in here. There are small gyms all over the city here in Gothenburg. The mall was not nearly as big as we thought it was going to be although it did have what I thought was a very cool layout. Every store usually had a second floor or a basement you were able to go into. Even though everything was pretty expensive due to the currently weak U.S. dollar we all still managed to find some good deals.

After we went shopping we went on a trip to Per and Osa's house. Per spoke to us on Friday and invited us for dinner at his house. It was about an hour ride out there but totally worth it because there house was absolutely gorgeous.
There back yard had an amazing view of the pacific ocean and the inside of there house was just as beautiful as their ocean view. Per and Osa were such great hosts as well as they worked very hard to get dinner ready for us and picked us all up from the bus stop to bring to their home. For dinner they served some wonderful crab, crayfish and shrimp! I have been craving some good crab all trip, dinner was fantastic and Per bought some wonderful beer called Classic from Demark. It was easily one of the best beers I have ever had, Per mentioned to me that he had to go all the way to Denmark to get it because they don't sell them in Sweden. So it was quite the treat to try one of those. After dinner Per and Osa had us all go upstairs and we all spoke about some of our favorite parts about Sweden and some dislikes that we all had. It was very cool because once we got to
Olsa and Per they told us some stories about when they were in the states. Per and Osa were so cool some of there stories about there travels were crazy. They like to go to some remote places. My favorite part about Per and Osa's was that they treated all of us like we were there family! I hope when they come to visit in the states they come up to Kenosha so we can take them all out for dinner. This visit to there house was so awesome and was my favorite part of the trip by far. I learned so much from Per and Osa that night it is scary. It was such a great night that I will never forget.

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