Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 1 - The Flight Over The Pond

Finally the day is here!! We are going to Sweden!!! I can barely even sleep i am lying here wide awake at 6:40 A.M. with excitement and fear just overwhelming me. You are probably wondering why fear is in there. Well for those of you who don't already know I am extremely afraid of flying on planes. So you can imagine flying for 8 hours over the Atlantic Ocean would be an extremely large fear for me!

Finally we are in the shuttles and on our way to the airport. The whole way there we are figuring out all of the things we would like to do while we are there. At last we arrive to O’hare and after we check our bags in its off to security. I don’t know why but I was a little nervous for some reason. Obviously I had nothing to hide but I guess they were just my last barrier from making it on the plane. As I walked through the metal detector the security lady just smiled at me and said have a great trip. I felt as if a huge weight was just lifted off of me. We all gathered up outside of our gate and played a quick game of 31 before we boarded the plane. As we waited in line the fear of flying was nowhere to be found. I was so excited that I had no worry in the world. Although this did not last for long, As soon as they started to bring our plane onto the runway my stomach dropped. I grabbed the “barf bag” and opened it up just as a precaution. Finally we started take off and as we are speeding down the runway I white knuckled my seat and concentrated on the screen in front of me! We made it to the correct altitude and I was still white knuckling my seat but I was perfectly fine. Finally the guy seated next to me finally got me to relax and all was good. In all honesty the flight in this plane was absolutely nothing. You could barely tell we were flying. Now when we stopped and got into this tiny plane to finish off the trip to Gothenburg a smooth flight is the farthest thing from how this flight went. From take off to right before we landed we were constantly shaking. To say the least my hands were hurting from gripping the seat so tightly! We made it in one piece though so no complaints from me!
Second Flight

After we all gathered up our luggage we all got into taxis and made our way to the Slottis which is where we are staying. Once we arrived and were assigned our room we went and unpacked. JJ warned us that the rooms were going to be small but I figured since we were a triple we may have a slightly larger room. Boy was I wrong our room is very small and at first I thought it would be a struggle to live in but the longer I am in it the more I like it. After about an hour of getting ready we went out to an Italian restaurant around the corner. They had outstanding food! Our waitresses were so extremely nice with helping us figure out the menu as well as helping us learn some Swedish. I absolutely butchered all of the words they taught us but its still the first day so I still have some time to learn!
Even though we all had jet lag we decided to go out and explore some of the bars. We walked to Linnegatan street and I must say this is one of the prettiest streets I have ever been on.The buildings were all tall and beautiful brick apartments and randomly lined with lights. It was a great sight. We went to a few of the pubs and had a few drinks and called it an early night. We didn’t really do much exploring this first night. We intend to do a little more exploring tomorrow.

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