Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 2 Bus Tour

Day two started off very nicely as we casually woke up and arrived for our first breakfast at our hotel. Breakfast was very different than in the states. Whenever you attend a hotels breakfast they usually have eggs, pancakes, waffles or something of this nature. Over here in Sweden they have been serving a variety of different rolls and bread with different spreads to put on top such as Jelly or herring. Despite the difference in what is served for breakfast it was still great!

In front of Poseidon 
Shortly after breakfast we had a bus tour to explore the city. Our wonderful tour guide Grenaolda showed us some very cool places to visit while we were here in Gothenburg. We went to a number of locations but my two favorite locations that I am very interested in attending would be the Universium. The Universium is a museum similar to the Field Museum in Chicago. They have a ton of displays that I think would be very interested in. They have two huge dinosaurs statues that are displayed outside of the building. I am extremely interested in dinosaurs so right away when I saw those statues I automatically wanted to go there but another cool display they have is a rainforest display where they have monkeys that run around on the path you walk on and you can interact with. The second place I would really enjoy going to is NorthStand mall. It is this gigantic mall that runs throughout Gothenburg with what seems to be an endless amount of stores in it. I am not a really big shopper but I would like to go shopping here to see the difference between some of the similar stores in the U.S. as well as the different styles of clothing that they have here in Sweden.

Mrs. Shields and I in Gothenburg

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