Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 3 The Freezing Island

Last night we went out in a large group and went on a small bar crawl on Langgatan. It was a wonderful night we got to meet many of the locals of Gothenburg. They were all very nice and always willing to help us attempt to learn some Swedish. It ended up being a pretty late night and many of us stayed up after we got back from the bar to talk about our night. Couldn’t have asked to spend a second night in Sweden with anyone better than the group we had!

Motor Bike Used On Island
Waking up in the morning was not the easiest. Luckily the girls next door to us came and warned us that we would be heading to the Branno Vardshus Islands today. We quickly got ready and somehow made it to breakfast before it closed! After breakfast we went and put on a few more layers so we wouldn’t get to cold out on the island and ferry. The ferry ride to the island was beautiful. One of the coolest sights I have ever seen. There were just hundreds of large islands covered in snow with a ton of pretty looking houses. It was very cold after getting of the boat and we had about a twenty-minute walk up the island to get to our lunch destination. The island doesn’t allow and cars or trucks on it. So they use 4 wheelers as well as this motorbike vehicle. This island was so pretty and very calm. It was so far away from all of the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a very peaceful walk with fantastic views. I would highly recommend making this a stop if you are planning on visit Gothenburg.

We finally finished our cold trek through the island and made it to this small restaurant. This was a very nice place to eat and they offered some very good seafood items. I decided to get a clam and shrimp dish and it was amazing! I had never tried clams before but they were delicious. We made our way back to the ferry. We froze while waiting for the ferry since we had to wait for 30 minutes out in the cold. It was like walking into an oven when we boarded the ferry. The beating we all took from the elements while waiting for the ferry took a toll on us all as we were all barely staying awake on our ride back to the mainland.

We were all icicles when we finally arrived back to the hotel. A few of us decided it was time to test the sauna out for the first time. Six of us reserved a time and went over there to warm up. We didn’t exactly know how to work it right away so for a while we were just sitting in a really hot room. Finally after about 35 minutes we realized that we were suppose to pour water onto the coals to create some steam. Once we got it working we only needed to be in there for about 10 minutes before we were all drenched in sweat! It was a blast in there we will definitely be in there again soon!

Group Photo On The Island

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